Tuesday, August 20, 2013

December, 2006 - Nyarr Pirates! - Queen Teuta - Morning Glory's Holiday Cocktail

Queen Teuta

Queen Teuta was an Illyrian regent who ruled from 231 - 228 B.C.  Her first act as regent was the drive the Greek colonists from Illyria, and in the process, she and her ships raided some Roman vessels.  Encouraged by this success she expanded her pirating and was soon the terror of the Adriatic Sea.  Her pirating was finally stopped by a Roman invasion.

The Drink:

Morning Glory’s Holiday Cocktail
8 oz pomegranate juice
1 oz vodka
splash of seltzer
Drinkability: 5 (“sparkly juice”)
Drunkability: 2 (put more vodka in to make more alcoholic)
Taxic Diversity: 2 (pomegranates!)
Accessibility: 4 (bodega, not even a liquor store)
Priority for Conservation: 4.5 (good)

from Nyarr Pirates! by MG & FV

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