How to Form a New Chapter


5 to 12 women interested in creating a chapter of Ladies United for the Preservation of Endangered Cocktails (LUPEC).

Usually the first meeting is spearheaded by one or two women who are interested in finding out more about LUPEC or who know about LUPEC and want to involve more people. They invite several friends with a common interest in breed and release programs for endangered cocktails, feminism and women’s history, and pick a mutually suitable meeting site. Cocktails would be nice but, as this first meeting is a business meeting, drink accordingly

The first meeting should devote time to a close, group review of LUPEC’s Mission Statement and Articles of Incorporation and Deportment. These documents clarify the overarching subversive feminist agenda of LUPEC. LUPEC is a social group with an activist agenda and it is important that everyone realizes from the get-go that this is not just a girls-night-out support group. Those are called Sororities.
Questions concerning the Mission Statement and Articles of Incorporation and Deportment can be sent to LUPEC via .

If, after an initial meeting, it is decided that a chapter might be formed, the following areas of responsibility should be assumed by various members:

  1. Chapter Chair/President - Assumes responsibility for overseeing the initial formation of the Chapter. Coordinates discussions about the purpose of the Chapter, facilitates networking about various issues of mutual interest, and discusses speakers, events, projects and other ways in which the Chapter can become involved in fulfilling LUPEC goals. 
  2.  Membership/Secretary - Assumes responsibility for obtaining the name, address, and telephone/fax numbers Chapter members. This person should have access to a computer with a database management program that will enable them to compile and update a mailing list and to easily print labels for Chapter mailers. Assumes responsibility for communicating information to the membership. This person should have access to a computer with a word processing and/or desktop publishing program to facilitate the production of flyers, meeting notices and memos. This person is also responsible for recording the minutes of Chapter meetings and forwarding copies of the minutes to the LUPEC Mothership. 
  3. Webmistress – Every LUPEC Chapter needs to maintain a website accordingto LUPEC specifications. The Webmistress designs and updates the websites. Whenever possible, this should be done using an independent ISP as opposed to placing the site on a server at a member’s workplace. An exception would be those members who work at places like universities that provide private webspace for their employees.
  4. Treasurer - Keeps Chapter financial records, collects and handles money. This person will need to open and manage a checking account for the Chapter (checks should require signature of Chapter Treasurer and President). Assumes responsibility for encouraging the payment of dues in order to formalize the Chapter. Gives report of treasury balance at each meeting. NOTE: Chapter monies are NOT to be used to subsidize the parties of individual members. Each member understands that her party is her responsibility.
  5. Public Relations - LUPEC Chapters are often in the public light and need a point person within the chapter to act as spokesbroad. PR person would also be in charge of writing and disseminating press releases, listings, etc. PR often initiates communications with other social and civic groups towards creating and hosting cooperative events. THIRD MEETING By the third meeting, the process of formalizing a LUPEC chapter should begin. Interested individuals should send their application for membership and dues* to the LUPEC Mothership.

To start the Chapter Incorporation process the following criteria must be met:

  1. There are at least five individuals who have sent in applications and paid their dues. The LUPEC Mothership will inform the designated contact person for the chapter of new members as dues are received. 
  2. A six-month calendar listing meeting/party themes and dates, projects, field trips, potential reviews, etc. has been compiled and sent to the LUPEC Mothership. 
  3. A listing of the chapter officers and other members with their address, telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address has been compiled and sent to the LUPEC Mothership.

Applications and related materials may take up to 30 days to be processed. If LUPEC has questions or concerns about the application(s) or the six-month calendar, applicants will have the option of working with LUPEC to make changes to their paperwork or return of their dues. Obviously, if you chose to take your money back there will be no hard feelings but your group will not be an official chapter nor will you be able to use the LUPEC name. Just so we’re all clear on that.


LUPEC reserves the right to protect the integrity of its name and mission by declining official chapter status to any group that cannot do the following:

  •  Provide documentation that all of its members are of legal drinking age as dictated by the laws of that chapter’s region.
  • Maintain an updated website according to LUPEC Website Standards
  • Support the educational and feminist mission(s) of LUPEC within their own events or within any public events in which the group identifies using the LUPEC name.
  • Conduct themselves in a proper manner in public.
  • Basically, don’t embarrass LUPEC by getting sloppy drunk in public and don’t expect us to send you bail money.
  • This clause is also known as “The Asshole Clause.” That should about sum it up.
  • LUPEC also reserves the right to disenfranchise any chapter with a member or members that have or receive DUI’s or any other drug or alcohol related citations.

* As of September, 2002, annual dues are $15 per member. These dues go towards maintenance of the LUPEC website, creation of publications and other LUPEC endorsed materials. All new chapters will receive a membership package of business cards, mission statement fliers, drink recipe cards, and buttons. Official chapters will receive the files with which to make their own copies. If enough chapters are started LUPEC may also provide a newsletter in addition to the website.

Chapter Location
Contact Email
Contact Phone Number
Chapter Chair/President
Public Relations

I certify that I am at least 21 years of age as of today’s date and have provided documentation thereof. I certify that I am in full concurrence with LUPEC’s Mission Statement and Articles of Incorporation and Deportment.
Drink name
Email address

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