Friday, November 8, 2013

August 2013 - "Stagecoach" Mary Fields Cowboy Roy

"Stagecoach" Mary Fields

Mary Fields, also known as Stagecoach Mary, was the first African-American woman employed as a mail carrier in the United States, and just the second American woman to work for the United States Postal Service.  Fields stood 6 feet tall and weighed about 200 lbs and liked to smoke cigars.  She usually had a pistol strapped under her apron and a jug of whiskey by her side.

Born a slave 1832 in Hickman County, TN, Fields was freed when American slavery was outlawed in 1865.  She found employment as a housekeeper in Florida, but when one of the family members for whom she worked - a Mother Superior - headed to Cascade, Montana, to start a mission school, Mary followed her.  For the next 10 years, she worked any job she could find at the school: hauling freight, doing laundry, growing vegetables, tending chickens, repairing buildings and eventually becoming the forewoman.

In 1894, after several complaints and an incident with a disgruntled male subordinate that involved gunplay, the bishop ordered her to leave the convent.  Mother Amadeus helped her open a restaurant in nearby Cascade.  Fields would serve food to anyone, whether they could pay or not, and the restaurant went broke in about 10 months. 

In 1895, although approximately 60 years old, Fields was hired as a mail carrier because she was the fastest applicant to hitch a team of six horses.  She drove the route with horses and a mule named Moses.  She never missed a day, and her reliability earned her the nickname "Stagecoach."  If the snow was too deep for her horses, Fields delivered the mail on snowshoes, carrying the sacks on her shoulders.  Without a doubt, her work facilitated central Montana's development.  Fields was a respected public figure in Cascade, and on her birthday each year the town closed its schools to celebrate.  When Montana passed a law forbidding women to enter saloons, the mayor of Cascade granted her an exemption. 

Cowboy Roy

4 oz vodka
4 oz rum

12 oz orange juice

Drinkability - 4.5
Drunkability - 2
Taxic Diversity - 2.5 - 
Accessibility  - 4
Priority of Conservation - 4

Comments: "tastes like grapefruit, though, no grapefruit in it - just that color"

From Women of the Wild West hosted by MPF

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