Friday, November 8, 2013

August 2013 - Susan Anderson, M.D. - The Clinic

Susan Anderson, M.D.

Born in Fort Wayne, Indiana, Anderson's family moved to the booming mining camp of Cripple Creek, Colorado while she was still a young woman.  In about 1893, she left Cripple Creek to attend medical school at the University of Michigan, from which she graduated in 1897.  While attending college she was diagnosed with tuberculosis and soon returned to her family in Cripple Creek, where she set up her first practice.  For the next three years she sympathetically tended to patients, but her father insisted that Cripple Creek, a lawless mining town at the time, was no place for a woman.

Anderson then moved to Denver, but had a tough time securing patients as people were reluctant to see a woman doctor in those times.  She then moved to Greeley, Colorado, where she worked as a nurse for six years.  Word soon got out and the locals began to ask for her advice on various ailments, which soon led to her practicing her skills once again.  Her reputation spread as she treated families, ranchers, loggers, railroad workers, and even an occasional horse or cow, which was not uncommon at the time.  The vast majority of her patients required her to make house calls, though she never owned a horse or a car.  Instead, she dressed in layers, wore high hip boots, and trekked through deep snows and freezing temperatures to reach her patients.  

During the many  years that "Doc Susie," which familiarity became known as, practiced in the high mountains of Grand County, one of her busiest times was during the Influenza Pandemic of 1918-19.  Like people all over the world, Fraser locals also became sick in great numbers, and Dr. Anderson found herself rushing from one deathbed to the next.  Another busy time for her was when the six-mile Moffat Tunnel was being built through the Rocky Mountains.  Not long after construction began, she found herself treating  numerous men who were injured during construction.  During this time, she was also asked to become the Grand County Coroner, a position that enabled her to confront the Tunnel Commission regarding workign conditions and accidents. 

Doc Susie, who was often paid in firewood, food, services, and other items that could be bartered, continued to practice in Fraser until 1956.  She died in Denver, on April 16, 1960 and was buried in Cripple Creek Colorado.

The Drink:

The Clinic 

2 parts Pear vodka
4 parts lemonade
splash of elderflower liqueur. 

Drinkability - 5

Drunkability - 3
Taxic Diversity - 3
Accessibility  - 4
Priority of Conservation  -  5

Comments: pear and elderflower

From the Women of the Wild West hosted by MPF

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