Wednesday, September 25, 2013

November, 2008 - Molly Ocket - May Flower Cocktail

Molly Ocket

Her Indian name was Singing Bird. Her Christian name was Marie Agatha. She probably pronounced it Mali Agget which sounded like Molly Ockett to the English settlers.  A major focal point of Molly's world was Pigwacket, the ancient Indian enclave at present-day Fryeburg, Maine, a short distance east of the present border between Maine and New Hampshire.  Throughout her childhood, Molly Ockett and her family moved constantly to avoid the perils of the French and British colonial wars that were taking place around them. During 1759, while taking refuge at the St. Francis Mission at Odanak near the St. Lawrence River, Molly reportedly witnessed the death of her parents and many other Abenakis during the famous Roger's Raid.  By 1764, Molly had married a Native hunter named Piel Susup (Peter Joseph). That year, the couple visited the rebuilt mission at Odanak to have their marriage consecrated and their new daughter baptized. By 1772, Piel had died and records show Molly living with a Pigwacket Abenaki named Sabattis near Fryeburg, Maine. In time, she quit that stormy relationship, but always maintained her link with Fryeburg and numerous other Maine towns.

Molly became an Abenaki medicine woman, and was well known in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, Vermont, and western Maine, where she assisted the sick, and delivered the babies. She wandered throughout the Upper Androscoggin and Connecticut Rivers in a traditional Abenaki manner, collecting healing medicines and providing for herself as she had been taught by her ancestors.  Molly was an itinerant healer and herbalist for both natives and colonists. She administered her remedies to the settlers whenever and wherever there was a need, never accepting more than one copper penny for her services. Molly provided the only medical attention available to most of these early settlers.

In 1781, during the American Revolution, she saved the life of a Colonel Clark by warning him of a raid. When Clark tried to reward her, she refused. Years later, after an especially difficult winter, she accepted his offer to stay with his family in Boston, where she learned about European medicine. Missing the woods and her independence, she did not stay there long.  After leaving Boston, Molly resumed her itinerant life in Maine and Vermont, walking long distances and setting up camp near one town or another. Refusing to leave her ancient homelands, she continued to practice the ways of her people, despite the many cultural changes that were taking place around her.

Molly Ockett died in 1816 at Andover, Maine, and was buried in the town cemetery there. Sometime later, a head stone was placed on her grave. It reads, "MOLL OCKET Baptized Mary Agatha, died in the Christian Faith, August 2, A.D., 1816. The Last of the Pigwackets."  Since her death, Molly Ockett has become a legendary figure. Renowned as "the last of the Pigwackets," she is honored annually at Bethel's "Molly Ockett Day" celebration, and her name is connected with numerous geographic landmarks, business ventures, and community organizations. It's difficult to sort out truth from fantasy.

The Drink:

May Flower Cocktail:

Stir in mixing glass with ice & strain
1 3/4 oz Red Dubonnet 
3/4 oz brandy 

Drinkability: 3 1/2
Drunkability:  4
Taxic Diversity:  2
Accessibility: 3
Priority of Conservation:  1

Comments: "Not Good"(with frowny face drawing), "Tastes like alcoholic nothing" and "a little lettucey"

From Pilgrims and Indians hosted by FluffyRuffle

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