Wednesday, October 15, 2014

July, 2014 - Carrie Jacobs-Bond - Pina Colada

Carrie Jacobs-Bond - 1862-1946

Jacobs-Bond was an American singer, pianist, and songwriter who composed some 175 pieces of popular music from the 1890s through the early 1940s.  She began writing in the late 1880s at her husband's encouraging and after the death of her second husband she wrote, "I Love You Truly."  But she did nothing with it until her friend's manager saw it and she realized it wasn't copyrighted.  She randomly called opera star Jessie Barlett Davis who liked it and offer to publish the sheet music.  In 1901 published her first collection with Davis, Seven Songs: an Unpretentious as the Wild Rose, and expanding her own publishing company, Bond Shop.  She was soon giving recitals in Chicago, New York, and England, and collaborating with African American poet Paul Laurence Dunbar and later performing for WWI troops.  Carrie Jacobs-Bond was the most successful woman composer of her day, becoming the first woman to sell one million copies of a song and earning more than $1 million in royalties by 1910.  In 1941, the General Federation of Women's Clubs cited Jacobs-Bond for her contributions to the progress of women during the 20th century.
The Drink:

Pina Colada

1 1/2 oz light rum
2 oz Cream of coconut
2 oz pineapple juice

Drinkability:  5
Drunkability:  2
Taxic Diversity:  2
Accessibility:  4
Priority for Conservation:  3/4

Comments:  "We order them, but not necessarily on purpose"

From "Women Songwriters" or "Poor Life Choices" or "That Hurt" hosted by BoilerMaker

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