Friday, November 8, 2013

April, 2013 - Hisamoto Masami - Chu-Hi

Hisamoto Masami

The #1 female personality in Japan in 2001, her popularity is accredited to a loosening of women's roles in the youth of Japan.  She is best known for her slapstick humor, husky voice, un-"ladylaike" behaviors, and frequently uses armpit and crotch humor.  Some say her humor is so popular with women in Japan because she openly shows the cruder side that Japanese women are never allowed to acknowledge.  She lists one of her hobbies as drinking, and a top skill as blacking out.  As of 2007 she is currently the head of the fine arts department of Soka Gakkai International.

The Drink


Grapefruit Juice (melon, lychee, and yuzu are also popular)
2 oz shochu
1/2 oz simple syrup
top with sparkling water

Taxic Diversity
Priority for Conservation

From Sakura Matsuri (women of Japan) hosted by Alabazam

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